Things to do in Ambleside
Looking for things to do in Ambleside? If you’re staying at a Windermere spa suite then a day out in Ambleside is worth planning into your holiday.
How far is Ambleside from Windermere?
It’s approximately 5 miles from Windermere to Ambleside. In order to make the most of a direct route would, of course, be to drive yourself. With a scenic journey that takes in the A591 along the way.
Driving won’t break the bank either, as at current petrol prices you can expect to budget about £5 for a round trip. If however, you’d rather leave your car behind at your Windermere spa suite, there are other alternatives.
The main choices being that of hiring a taxi (around £20 each way) or joining fellow passengers on the bus. The latter while being the more social, still only takes about 20 minutes. As such, however you travel from Windermere to Ambleside, you can easily make it a day out.
Things to do in Ambleside
You won’t be short of things to do in Ambleside, once you’ve left your Windermere spa suite and arrived at your destination. Given it’s not too far to travel, you can afford to have a relaxed start to your day.
Make the most of the hot tub at your Windermere spa suite. If you’re thinking of eating lunch in Ambleside, then look for the best restaurants while having a morning cuppa. Considered among some of the best restaurants in Ambleside are the old Stamp House and Fellinis.
Alternatively to a morning soak in your private hot tub, make an early start from Windermere to Ambleside. That way you can get in a morning walk before lunch. After all, walking in the Lake District is one of the most popular things to do in Ambleside.
As you’re walking in Ambleside search for stunning waterfalls at Stock Ghyll Force. Langdale Valley is yet another beautiful piece of scenery in the Lake District. If you do drive from Windermere to Ambleside, then you can always have lunch at England’s 3rd highest pub. Kirkstone Pass Inn will have a refreshing pint of beer awaiting for your passengers. Although don’t get too carried away, especially if you’re on a spa break as part of detox. After all, the fresh air and country walks are good for your cardio fitness, so don’t undo the good work. Plus you still have to make it back to your spa hotel and spa suite!
When it comes to things to do in Ambleside during the afternoon, there are other famous attractions. The Armitt Museum will give you an insight into the local area. In particular through the eyes of John Ruskin and Beatrix Potter. Both of whom also have strong links with Windermere.
If you’re a history enthusiast, then Ambleside Roman Fort is a local point of interest. The remains date back to the 1st or 2nd century and the Roman Province of Britannia.
Where to stay near Ambleside
If you’re looking for spa hotels in Lake District with private hot tub, our Windermere Spa Suites are just for you. Within walking distance from Lake Windermere, they provide the ideal location for somewhere to stay near Ambleside.